Wednesday, January 16, 2008

fisher cat screech

The fisher cat is a North American marten, a medium sized mustelid. The fisher cat is agile in trees and has a slender body that allows it to pursue prey into hollow trees or burrows in the ground. Despite its name, this fisher cat animal seldom eats fish; the name may originate from the French word fichet, which referred to the pelt of a European polecat. In some regions the fisher is known as a pekan which is derived from its name in the Abenaki language.

The fisher cat is a resident of dense forests, and are mostly found in coniferous or mixed forests with high, continuous canopy cover. They are solitary animals and are very elusive. Few ever get the chance to see a fisher, mainly because they are nocturnal. However, fisher cats can sometimes be heard screeching in the woodlands during the mating season. You could possibly hear a fisher cat from afar as they have a loud chilling screech noise. What does a fisher cat sound like, you might ask, we think it is very much like that of high-pitched child.
fisher cat

The fisher cat is found from the Sierra Nevada in California to the Appalachians in West Virginia and north to New England (where it is often called a fisher cat), as well as in southern Alaska and across most of Canada. Fishers are present in low density in the Rocky Mountains, where most populations are the result of reintroductions. There is recent evidence, however, that a Montana population persisted in a refugium despite extensive fur trapping in the area during the 1800s and 1900s.

Fisher cat's population have declined because of loss of their natural forest habitat and, in the past, because of the fur trade. They have the reputation of being shy and secretive, and they are difficult to breed in zoos. They have a tendency to hide deep in wooded areas. In some locales, however, particularly in northeastern North America where forest habitat is recovering near towns, fishers seem to be habituating to human presence and are now seen more readily; there have been reports of them entering suburban areas and scavenging for rubbish, and occasionally attacking domestic animals.

Sometimes, the fisher cats will attack on our domestic cats so be careful if you hear one screeching near your home.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

fisher cat screech video

In this video at the end of the video you can hear how this fisher cat make an awful screech. Really wonder if that is real fisher cat screech.

fisher cat screech: The fact about fisher cat screech

fisher cat screech

Wonder if you know what kind of animal is in this video. ITS NOT A PINE MARTIN. its a FISHER CAT, two different things. pine martins ARE the size of house cats, this thing fisher cat is about 3 ft long and the largest record fisher cat is around 20lbs. Some house cats are more than 20lbs-like the Maine Coon, a large cat breed. Fisher's tail makes up a large part of its length. And yes, Fishers cat are the largest specie of Marten.

Fact about fisher cats

The fastes north american animal in the tree's
The fastest member of the weasel family
The only consistent predator of porcupines
One of nature most efficent predaotrs on land
Be grateful you guys can see these things in real life
most people never see them...

They make the most god awful noise at night like murdering children. It is high pitched and screaming like sound. They ate the ladies dog next door.

Friends of mine live out in Barrington, Rhode Island and hisy parents own a field. He don't even wonna leave his German Shepard outside with those fisher cat and even worst when you heard his screech.

They may not eat german shepards but they attack and injure and even kill dog sometimes, just a couple weeks ago I read of a fisher attacking and severely wounding a german shepard and another injured a Labrodor Fishers may be as small as a cat but they are very vicious animals that can and do hurt dogs much bigger than themselves.

Friend of mine own mini schnauzer that got attacked by one of those fisher cat.

I live in CT and have woken to them in my back yard making a terrible sound. Almost like laughing and screaming. Then I turn the flood light on and these are what I see. We have so many of these fisher cats in my area.

Incredible footage, filming a wild one is a feat. These animals are related to wolverines, so I believe it that they can take on a dog and win. If they are attacking dogs, chances are the population is too high, and they are desperate and starving. Trap a few, you can make good money from them and help those that remain in the process. Use raw meat for bait in a cage trap. But check your local laws first.

fisher cat screech